Important Dates
23rd May
18th June
11:59 PM
22nd June
2nd July
Registration for the forum begins
Last date for Registration via prescribed format
A selection of 30 students will be announced via email who will get to present their work on campus through a panel as part of the forum exhibition.
A second round of selection will be conducted online to shortlist the final 12 students who will participate in the forum discussions as a panelist. Details for the same will be shared later.
The selected 12 student panelists will be announced.
Following this stage, the 12 students will take part in online workshops with faculty members of CEPT University where they will receive guidance to present their work through the lens of the theme. The exact dates for these workshops will be notified later to the selected students.
The Exhibition will be set up at the CEPT campus. Selected students are not required to be present for the same.
2nd August
Reviews for the selected 30 students on the CEPT University campus followed by the inauguration of the forum.
Curated discussions, workshops and site visits.