KVDF 2017
This year the focus of the forum is to proactively articulate the design process, for which we have invited entries from student projects of 5th year of Architecture. These projects help in mapping the journey of an architecture student and also how one develops different lenses through which the design process can be looked at. The projects become the main dialogue generators in the academic front of the architecture community.
In order to generate a discourse in this direction, the projects would be organized in three thematic sessions of six projects each. The student presentations would be followed by a curated discussion based on the theme. The common discussion will be a culmination of these ideas in order to develop an understanding of the broader perspective of architecture today.
Shortlisted Entries
( No ) Formula for Formulation

Adwait Adke

Ayesha Khalil

Prithviraj Nimbalkar

Rasika Maladugal

Trinuki Fernando

Vinit Dharia
In Between Paper and Pixel

Saad Kaikobad

Saleh Ahmed

Sayon Sur

Shabbir Ahmed

Srinivas Narayan

Tasmia Kamal
Building the Unbuilt

Chandani Patel

Deepankar Sharma

Foram Mistry

Saad Andalib

Tehreem Nasir

Zahid Nawaz