Selected Entries 2015

Centre for Wetlands Ecological Research and Environmental Education in East Kolkata Wetlands

Parita Jani
Faculty of Architecture, Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology | Surat

The connection that architecture makes with the ground/water is rich, but often overlooked aspect. The following research project aims to explore this fundamental junction of architecture. The way we attach architecture to the ground/water expresses our understanding and attitude towards the natural quality of site.

The programmatic aim of this project is to provide the public with access to the internationally significant and currently inaccessible East Kolkata Wetlands. The connection to the ground/water will play a fundamental part in providing this access. Through an in-depth site analysis the physical and intrinsic qualities of the site will be studied in order to inform the design.

The East Kolkata Wetlands has a diverse range of conditions that make it a perfect test site for an exploration into the architectural possibilities of connections to the ground/water. The connection to the ground/water will not be merely one of the necessity but rather a connection that enriches the visitor’s experience and engagement with site the architecture will be the mediator between the visitor/ researchers and the wetlands environment. The variable ground/water condition in the wetland will require an architectural intervention to exist throughout. The intervention will create a new architectural ground in the wetlands.